One Piece A Day is a global environmental initiative that promotes environmental awareness and sustainability by encouraging every person on the planet to refuse single use plastics, reduce waste, and pick up one piece of trash a day while logging their progress in an app.

+4,014,251 pieces of litter cleaned up!
+408,612 single-use plastics refused!
"Years ago, on a CBC program, I proposed that we adopt a plan to pick up one piece a day. It's a great idea and I wish you well with it."

David Suzuki (on One Piece A Day)
Environmental Activist
One Piece A Day began as an app that launched in May 2017. It has since evolved into a community promoting sustainability through education, corporate partnerships and so much more.
What's New
Video by SenovvA
One Piece A Day and the Community
With Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow at ACCE Lunar New Year Celebration 2024

The One Piece A Day team with Catherine McKenna, Canada's
Minister of Environment and Climate Change

With actors Patrick Kwok-Choon
and Paul Sun-Hyung Lee (Mr. Kim "Appa")

Dr Marrion Hilliard Public School
University of Toronto Eco Fair
Bee Aware Sustainability Conference
at Humber College
Web Design by Mui-Ling Teh